Another Reason To Be Vigilant With Your Employer Brand

Another Reason To Be Vigilant With Your Employer Brand

Another Reason to Be Vigilant with Your Employer Brand | Red dress girl SML

The latest entrant into social media is State. With a seemingly well-resourced PR engine behind it, its entry has potentially serious implications for companies’ employer brand and reputation.

According to their website, State is positioned as the global opinion network.

State.comState encourages people to express or ‘state’ their opinions and connect with other like-minded people.

For those in positions of leadership or influence, State shows a many-to-one capability that can precisely map the prevailing sentiment on key issues. These are opinions shared spontaneously, not extracted from a survey.

What is important about State’s potential is that as leaders and custodians of our own brands, we need to be aware of what is being said about our brands – good or bad.

On one hand, this could be rather harmless and fun.

On the other hand, if it’s your brand that’s being talked about – and not all that well – then it could get ugly – fairly quickly.

In the case of employer branding and reputation, the fundamentals remain: treat all your employees well – including those that are leaving, due to retrenchment, redundancy, lay offs, performance or culture fit.

glassdoorWhen you treat people well, they are less likely to go to sites like State or Glassdoor and post opinions about their current or former employer.

Go here to see State.

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About the author:

Greg Weiss is the Founder of CareerSupport365. He has almost 30 years success in HR and in career coaching people.

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Greg Weiss

Greg Weiss is the founder and director of Career365 and Australia’s leading career coach. Greg has coached well over a thousand people from recent graduates to CEOs as they pivot, re-launch and accelerate their careers. He is the author of three practical books and the creator of three online courses: “Career Clarity. How to find career fulfillment”; “Career Networking. How to unlock the hidden job market”; and “Career Success. How to succeed in your new job”.

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