Redefining Retirement: Finding Purpose Beyond Work

Redefining Retirement

Redefining Retirement: Finding Purpose Beyond Work

I recently worked with ‘Margie’, a 62-year-old Marketing Director. As she approached retirement age, she grappled with a sense of uncertainty and purposelessness. Like many Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers,…
Mastering Keyword Strategy

Mastering Keyword Strategy: Elevate Your CV and LinkedIn Profile

In today’s competitive job market, strategically using keywords in your CV and LinkedIn profile is no longer optional. Whether you’re actively seeking new opportunities or simply open to possibilities, understanding…
Transitioning to Retirement - Greg Weiss

Preparing Your Workforce for Transitioning to Retirement

I recently vacationed in Vietnam and while there chatted with a number of recently retired former managers and leaders sipping mojitos in the sun. While most enjoyed their freedom, there…

Cultivating Vitality: Engaging with Life Beyond the Workforce

Retirement marks a significant milestone in one’s life, often perceived through the lens of financial readiness. However, a fulfilling transition to retirement encompasses far more than just economic security. As…