image credit: We all know that the first few seconds are critical in making good first impressions. But research shows that both the most emotional and the last experiences matter most for long-term memories, stories, and impressions. This...
Here are 10 best practice tips I advise employers when they are faced with the unpleasant task of retrenching or making their employees redundant. These tips will help to preserve a healthy employer brand and reputation which are critical to the ongoing sustainability...
The Power of Personally Laying off Staff BMWs are fine on the road. But “Bitching, Moaning, and Whining” can be avoided at the water cooler or on gossip sites like Glassdoor when you are laying off staff. I’ve heard of cases where mass redundancies were effected by...
image credit: One of the most challenging times to be a Manager is giving staff notice that their job is no longer required. These difficult conversations can be handled well or poorly, based on the Manager’s own experience, values, and...
image credit: Redundancies, retrenchments, layoffs are more often the result of pressure from the Executive or Board to reduce costs than from the business having less work to do. Reducing workforce costs through effecting layoffs...